simple strategies to stress less over the holidays

Let’s face it, with the holidays approaching we all worry about excessive eating and drinking and basically that overall feeling of overindulgence. I always tell my clients that it is better to indulge than to stress! It makes more sense to own up to the fact that there will be this short period of time where we will socialize more, eat the wrong food, and drink too much alcohol. After all, it is the holidays! There are some tips, however, that I would like to share that could help make this holiday overindulgence a little less troublesome and stressful.

Her are a few of those strategies to help you cope over your holiday season:

1) Hydrate! I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to make sure you are well hydrated. There is nothing worse than running around shopping and then showing up at the party with little to no fluid intake all day. Alcohol is a diuretic. If you do not drink enough water with alcohol, you can very quickly become dehydrated, which can lead to headaches, joint pain, fatigue, and that overall feeling of just not well. Try keeping your water bottle in the car so that it is a constant reminder. Before you leave for the party, drink at least 2 glasses of water.

2) On the topic of alcohol, try not to mix too many cocktails. Sticking to one type of liquor will not be as harsh on your system. Beer is very heavy and causes a lot of bloat and fermentation. Wine can come with too much added sugar. An innocent glass of wine can turn into one too many! If you do not eat enough or drink enough water to absorb the alcohol and sugars you may end up with stomach cramps and bloating

3) Walk more and sit less are words that almost sound silly writing but sometimes we really need to be reminded to do just that. If you walk every morning, add an extra walk or two later in the day. It does not have to be long as even 15 minutes will move your lymph which is our body fluid that is responsible for eliminating waste. Constipation and bowel issues usually arise from lack of movement as the lymph can become too stagnant.

4) Sweat more! If you do not sit enough when you exercise, try to relax in some sauna sessions. There is nothing like a good sweat to help detox, improve circulation and push toxins out.

5) Pick your poisons wisely. It is best to overindulge with the proteins rather than the sugars. Holiday feasts tend to have richer food choices than regular parties. I would suggest going easy on the desserts if you are having a rich protein meal. The combinations can be tricky and cause bloating and discomfort.

I do hope these tips come in useful. I wish all our readers a healthy, peaceful, and joyful holiday season. Xo

The post simple strategies to stress less over the holidays appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

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